Jun 30, 2010

Ice Cream and Dagashi in Japan

Pics of dagashi and ice cream in Japan.

dagashi candies/snacks
These are the snacks I used to go and buy after school, when I was elementary school. Dagashi are really cheap, you can buy from U.S. $ 0.10

Oh yes, all my favorites! total about U.S. $3.5.
About U.S. $0.10-$0.70 each

Yukimi Daifuku mochi ice cream. all time favorite.

melon sorbet

Yukimi daifuku strawberry mochi ice cream. So good

flan (left top) and Pino ice cream

melon cream soda (left top) and melon pan ice cream. Yup, it's not bread, it's ice cream!

flan ice cream

grapefruit cider, white grape juice with grape in it, mix juice

Jun 27, 2010

Tenkaaji Yakiniku BBQ - Kochi, Japan

Tenkaaji, yakiniku BBQ in Kochi city, Japan. There are about 300 seats, so you don't have to wait for line.

water is already on the table, so you don't have to wait, but also there is a button so when you are ready to order or need waitress, you just press that button.

Yes, you cook meat yourself


I sat down, start looking menu, but the menu was pretty big and I couldn't decide, and since my sister start ordering right away, I just decided to eat whatever she ordered.

beef toro 600yen (about U.S. $6)
It's like I'm eating fat. Too fatty for me.

calbi for 4 (I can't remember which calbi, somewhere between U.S. $30-$40)

salad 880 yen
Avocado, poato salad, tomato, shrimp eggs, etc with sesame dressing

bi-bim roll 680 yen (about U.S. $7)

fried rice 580 yen (about U.S. $6)
This is the taste I've been wanted to eat! Ramen store style fried rice. Delicious.

shrimp cheese korean style pancake 880 yen (about U.S. $9)
Shrimp, mentaiko, cheese inside. That's right, I can't eat cheese but I tasted a piece of it and it was good.

comes with dipping sauce

For overall, I liked food. I loved fried rice the most, but beef, rolls, salad, everything was good. The total came up around U.S. $100.

天下味 栄田店
14-15, Sakaeda-cho, Kochi



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Jun 25, 2010

Japan trip - Food event at Daimaru department store in Kochi

Food pics from Daimaru department store in Japan. Too many good food in Japan.

strawberry roll 105yen(about $1, left) and one of my favorite bread バタートアリコルージュ(sesame, beans, sweet potato inside french bread) 304yen (about $3)

bento from place called "kintaro", they were all 30% off, each bento was under U.S. $2.
Their Katsuo (bonito) rice (picture right top) is recommended, but all other bento sucks.
Croissant/pastry from place called "mini one", total about U.S. $0.60.

sushi 260 yen (about U.S. $2.5) I think it was 50% off.

Here's the pics from some food event they had.

When I was ready to eat at home, it was already hard and wasn't so good. 2 sticks, total about U.S. $3



miso steamed bun about U.S. $3
didn't taste miso at all

I'm not sure how to explain but for picture top, it's gotta sweet potato on bottom, then chestnut pieces and chestnut paste inside uiro dough. I loved it.

And 2 croquettes total about U.S. $3.5. One is Hidaka beef croquette 189yen , and it was really delicious, and the other one is sukiyaki croquette 168yen, it was ok.

Here's the pics from Hokkaido food fair.


delicious sushi bento about U.S. $12

fresh baked melon pan. caramel melon pan (left) and yubari melon pan (right) total 378yen (under u.s. $4) I was so disappointed with their melon pan. All my family member said not so good.

flan cream puff about U.S. $4 and Raisin butter sandwich


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