Jan 27, 2014

Pastries at Republique - Los Angeles

About two weeks ago, I went back to Republique to get some pastries. Last time I didn't see any croissant so I got streusel and lemon curd brioche, and they were delicious. This time I really wanted to get choco banana croissant so I went there before noon.

CLICK HERE for pics of the dinner at Republique.

Chocolate banana croissant $3.75

with chocolate and roasted bananas

Bombolini $1.50 each

Strawberry jam (left) and creme brulee with custard (right)
Creme Brulee bombolini was really good.

Rating: 4.5 / 5
Service: 4 / 5
Repeat: Yes

624 S La Brea Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90036

 (310) 362-6115

Mon-Sat (bakery) 8 am - 3 pm
Mon-Wed 6 pm - 10 pm
Thu-Sun 6 pm - 11 pm



Republique on Urbanspoon

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