July 2021 - Vegas and Food

Jul 30, 2021

El sushi - Koreatown

El sushi just opened in Koreatown about 3 months ago. ⁠ Chirashi is a must-try, fresh sashimi in a 2 tiers bento box, also the short rib was tender and tasty.⁠ ⁠ My YouTube:⁠ https://youtu.be/SFzK3DmO-fA⁠ChirashiBBQ short...

Jul 29, 2021

Carl's Jr 80th anniversary event


I was invited to Carl's Jr 80th-anniversary event in Anaheim. ⁠ I got to try some food including 80th birthday hand-scooped shakes, chocolate oreo and strawberry cheesecake with unicorn whipped topping. There was a hot...

Gourmet Gift Baskets The Hot Gifts of Summer ‘21

Having a housewarming or mid-summer party? Whether people want new housewarming gifts or something spicy and fun to liven up their parties, they can turn to GourmetGiftBaskets.com for all of that – and more. I got...

Jul 7, 2021

Cooking meatless vegan meatball spaghetti with Edward & Sons Jackfruit


I made vegan meatless meatball spaghetti using Edward & Sons jackfruit meatless alternative.I simply followed the recipe on the box. I had to substitute some of the stuff but it's great if you are a...

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