July 2014 - Vegas and Food

Jul 30, 2014

Tatsu Ramen on Melrose

I was lucky enough to get on the list during soft-opening and try everything for free! This is their second location. Just around the corner from Pink's hot dog, right next to All about the...

Jul 29, 2014

Baking coffee chocolate cake with Pure raw cacao powder

Cacao Powder Raw Organic - Best Pure, Dark, Natural, Unsweetened, Cold Pressed and Non Dutched/ Non Alkalized - Derived from Non-Fermented Beans - Ideal for all your Dark Chocolate Recipes - Pure Natural Cacao...

Three Layer Bamboo Cutting Board Set

I recently received this beautiful bamboo cutting board set. This set includes: 14"x10",12"x8.5", and10"x6.8". It's dry fast. So far, I like it. Premium Bamboo set out to design and manufacture a new durable design,...

Pure Premium Raw Organic YACON ROOT SYRUP

Yacon Syrup is sourced from naturally grown organic Yacon fields in the country of Peru. Yacon syrup has shown to remains low in calories and low on the glycemic index scale. This is due...

Hyperbiotics PRO-15 The Perfect Probiotic

GET 15 TIMES MORE RESULTS THAN WITH CAPSULES++. With superior patented technology, our living organisms reach deep into your intestinal tract where they are needed most. Our formula will even reach your large intestine. IMPROVE...

Barefaced Dead Sea Mud Mask

I received this face mask. It smelled like nice spa smell when I opened it. But when I actually put on my face, I didn't like the smell, it smelled like dirt. But after...

Jul 24, 2014

8th Annual White Light White Night


I went to the 8th Annual White Light White Night event last week. I had such a great time there. Great food and drinks. They had a booth where you can make your drink by...

HealthyNow Colon Cleanse Detox Plus

A Unique, All Natural & Extra Strength formulation of herbs, seeds, fruits and fibers that help enhance digestive system functioning and cleanse the bowel. -  Cleanses, Stimulates & Nourishes the Colon - 90 Caps...

Jul 21, 2014

Azure Naturals ULTIMATE VITAMIN C Skin Repair Serum Review + Giveaway

Do you remember how I blogged about Azure Naturals ULTIMATE HYALURONIC ACID Serum before? Well, let me introduce their another product, "Ultimate C skin repair serum". VITAMIN C WORKS! This serum will increase cellular...

Advanced Probiotic dietary supplement by Number One Nutrition

I'm into dietary supplement lately. I've been trying many different supplement and this is one of the supplement I didn't know about, until now. Probiotics are good bacteria who perform a very important role...

Jul 20, 2014

Yelp elite tasting event at Old School Eatery - Pasadena

About a week ago, I had yelp elite tasting event at Old School eatery. This place is brand new, just opened. Since it's "old school eatery", I was expecting to have milkshake and burgers or...

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